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Prepare Your Workplace for Summer Heat Hazards

With the onset of summer, the risk of worker heat illness increases significantly. It’s crucial for employers to review and update their prevention plans to ensure the safety and health of their workers, as mandated by OSHA.

Employer Responsibilities

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety and health hazards. This responsibility includes protecting workers from heat-related hazards. Here are some actions you should take:

  1. Create a Heat Illness Prevention Plan: Are your workers exposed to high temperatures, either indoors or outside? Use these resources to develop a comprehensive heat illness prevention program:
    • Plan ahead to protect workers when heat hazards are present.
    • Understand heat hazards in your workplace and calculate heat stress.
    • Protect new workers who may be more vulnerable to heat.
    • Get guidance on engineering controls, work practices, and PPE.
    • Always remember the essentials: water, rest, and shade.

For more detailed information and resources to assist in developing your 2024 Heat Illness Prevention Plan, including insights from the 2023 Beat the Heat Contest Winners, please visit the following link:

Stay safe and ensure your workplace is prepared to beat the heat this summer.