Thorn Valley Truck

Ask Thorn Valley

When performing a survey, the Consultant meets with the designated company representative and obtains all the pertinent information about the company’s operations, safety programs, hiring, training, and maintenance programs. An evaluation of losses for repetitive causation issues can also be performed. In reviewing the DOT Recordable Crashes (past 24 months – Fatality, Injury or Tow Away crashes), we frequently are told “that wasn’t our fault.” That may be, but unless the policyholder takes action, it will remain on their SMS (CSA) Crash BASIC as a Preventable crash.

Question: Can I have the Preventability determination changed to “Non-preventable”? 

Answer: Yes – and here’s how…..

As long as the crash meets one of the pre-determined Non-preventable crash scenarios, the insured can file a “DataQs” with supporting documentation. Instructions can all be found at the following website:

It’s important to know that non-preventable crashes do not count towards the motor carrier’s crash rate or their SMS (CSA) Crash BASIC component. This can reduce the risk of DOT intervention, fine, penalty or closed enforcement and protects the motor carrier’s Safety Rating, as well as the commercial auto liability policy.

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