On-Site Survey

When a thorough “look under the hood” is needed, let one of our Safety Consultants give you our qualified and honest opinion.
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We’ll come to you.

On-site surveys involve a physical inspection of the insured’s fleet operations. We provide a detailed evaluation of key areas such as Management & Supervision, Fleet Operations, Vehicles & Equipment, Inspection-Repair & Maintenance, Driver Safety & Training, Driver Hiring & Retention and Regulatory Compliance. If asked, we are also proficient in supplements pertaining to Property, General Liability and Workers’ Compensation exposures. Each survey includes constructive feedback on our overall impression of the insured’s fleet operations and recommendations on how to improve overall performance and safety.

When performing the survey, the consultant meets with the designated company representative and obtains all the pertinent information about the company’s operations, safety programs, hiring, training, and maintenance programs. An evaluation of losses for repetitive causation issues can also be performed.

Driver files, logs, drug testing records and maintenance files are examined during the visit. The safety consultant will obtain a current driver list, equipment list and IFTA Reports as well as take photographs of the equipment and premises. Before leaving, the safety consultant conducts an exit interview with the management and advises them of any recommendations that we may have as a result of our preliminary findings.

Upon departure, the consultant completes a detailed safety survey form, writes a narrative that clarifies and supplements the answers that are contained in the survey, and completes a written recommendation sheet. All documentation is then sent to TVS’s main office where it is reviewed for completeness and edited for content before being sent on to the underwriter and/or insured as directed.

In the event that serious issues are found that might have an immediate effect on the insurability of the company, the safety consultant will contact the underwriter upon leaving the insured’s location.


  • The fleet survey report provided in timely manner
  • Experienced transportation specialists
  • Thorough evaluation of losses for repetitive causation
  • Examination of driver files, logs, drug testing records, and maintenance files
  • Consultant documents all current assets and conducts exit interview
  • All documentation is reviewed by the Thorn Valley QC
Request Service

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10050 Innovation Dr, Suite 340
Miamisburg, OH  45342

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