Let us be there during that “moment of truth” to assist with large loss analysis, claims oversight & advocacy. More InfoREquest ServiceClaims
Analysis you can count on
Insurance is a promise, a promise to protect the insured and their organization in the event of a claim to the fullest extent allowable within the terms of their policy. At Thorn Valley, our priority is to serve as an advocate in the delivery of that promise and to make certain that expectations are met with the highest degree of professionalism, competency, and service.
We bring the core disciplines of claims, underwriting, risk control, and enabling technology directly to our clients as a cohesive team working collaboratively to achieve better outcomes. We facilitate the continuous interchange of information and data between the claims, underwriting, and loss control teams that ultimately result in better outcomes. We have your back!
Loss Analysis
Thorn Valley’s Enhanced Phone and On-Site Loss Control surveys include a review of the current, and prior year accident registers, both DOT and non-DOT. Based upon poor policyholder loss history, a high loss ratio, or a single significant event(s), underwriting or claims may want to request a deeper analysis be conducted. For this situation, Thorn Valley offers the following supplemental claims analysis services.
Frequency Analysis
An old adage in Safety and Loss Prevention is that “Frequency Leads to Severity”. Thorn Valley’s frequency analysis includes a thorough evaluation of losses for repetitive causation, reviewing the previous 3-years losses, determination of, trends, and root cause analysis. Existing crash countermeasures are reviewed with resulting recommendations made as determined appropriate. The insured is provided with a worksheet and shown how to track and trend all crashes going forward using various tool filters (by driver, date, time, weather, location, etc.)
Shock Loss Analysis
In today’s litigious society, a single crash can result in a “nuclear verdict”. In the event of a major crash involving a fatality, multiple injuries, or collisions garnering excess media attention, Thorn Valley can provide crucial assistance to claims managers by sending in a Safety Consultant to perform a post-collision Shock Loss Analysis. For regulated fleets, a shock loss is typically a “DOT Recordable” Crash, involving a fatality, injury or vehicle towed from the scene, regardless if whether the truck driver was cited or not. The Shock Loss Analysis includes a review of the driver and vehicle files, vehicle condition, recent driver safety training, hours of service at the time of the crash, drug and alcohol compliance, previous driving history, and any other documentation germane to the specific event. The report and related supporting documentation are delivered to the Claims Manager and become a protected work product if the case is deposed or litigated.
Be sure to visit Thorn Valley’s Resources page for Accident Administration and Crash Countermeasure Forms.
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10050 Innovation Dr, Suite 340
Miamisburg, OH 45342