Truckers Against Trafficking DriverReach provides regular live chats on contemporaneous industry issues. We’d like to share Jeremy Reymer’s post from 8/13/2020 focusing on Truckers Against Trafficking.
Modern human trafficking in America isn’t something that comes up in regular conversations with CDL driver recruiters – but it should be. Louie Greek, the Training Specialist for Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), stopped by DriverReach Chats to talk with Jeremy about TAT’s mission, how everyday people can make a difference, and resources available for drivers and fleets to help recognize and stop human trafficking. Learn More
FBI Bulletin Puts Spotlight on ELDs and Cybersecurity. Read More
Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Risk Based on Age and Driving Experience (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute) The April 17, 2020 study by the National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence Conclusions include the following excerpt. The entire 50-page report can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided.
“Overall, the findings were fairly consistent across all safety performance measures, indicating that CMV driving experience has a greater impact on crash rates, crash involvement, and moving violations than driver age. This was especially evident in the crash data for older drivers with less CMV driving experience whose crash rates and involvement were higher than their more experienced counterparts. These results indicate that age may be a mediating factor, as the older, less-experienced group of CMV drivers performed worse than their younger, inexperienced counterparts. Overall, though, while both age and CMV driving experience play a role in determining driver risk, CMV driving experience has a greater impact than age. It would be 39 beneficial for fleet managers to focus on retaining older, more-experienced drivers and engage them in driver mentoring programs before they retire so inexperienced drivers can benefit from their knowledge. Technology-based options for driver training may also be beneficial, including video-based technologies, such as the Lytx DriveCam system. These systems use dash cameras to continually record driving behavior, which can then be reviewed and used for driver training purposes. Video-based technology systems have been shown to be associated with a reduction in crashes and risky driving behavior, such as cell phone use while driving, late braking, and following too closely (Lytx, 2019). Collectively, these training methods will be helpful for inexperienced CMV drivers as they are learning to safely negotiate the roadways.” Continue Reading